Capturing the story in precious metals...

We've all had this feeling when you start doing something and it just feels right. This is exactly how I felt when I started designing jewelry in 2009.
Soon enough I found myself making custom orders both for city´s jewelry stores and private customers of my own and that is when the whole idea of -silverlabcreations- came to life.

I love movies, books, graphic art and I generally consider myself a geek, so it was clear from the start I'd be designing things "for myself" in our little lab.
To me what matters most is the story each piece tells you...and fandom jewelry tells damn good stories! It's about the connection with the character who wore it or the idea of the story itself.
Stories that we like reflect who we are...they are our statement, as well as jewelry we wear...It's a constant journey to yourself, to things you enjoy and to the ideals you believe in, and I just like to capture the parts of this journey in precious metals and with top-notch

Volha Rudnik,
Owner of SilverlabCreations,
Contact phone: +375 33 3798339

__This site & contents belong and is managed by Volha Rudnik_